Months ago April approached me and said that she was going to participate in a Lupus Walk in honor of me. After we decided on what walk she was going to do she thought it would be an excellent idea to solicit pledges. I thought so too. So we enlisted the help of Cherish to get the a blog started. Thus, TEAM Cakesy was born.
Cakesy is a nickname that my mother gave to me as a child. She doesn't know from where it was derived and so clearly, I don't know either. But decades later, the name still sticks and so we just roll with it.
We are participating in the Alliance for Lupus Research Walk that will be in Detroit in September. All money raised will go solely to research to help cure this devestating disease. Our team is so fortunate because we have raised more than $1,500thus far. I'm glad that my loved ones see the bigger picture in that they are not just helping me but thousands like me. It is a sad situation but like most things in life you make the best of it.
I am so fortunate to have such pro-active loved ones. If it wasn't for Cherish and April I wouldn't have my beloved job at the Lupus Alliance of America. It was Cherish's idea to have a photo shoot so that we could have images for blog. This prompted me to go to the Alliance to buy a T-Shirt and in the midst of me buying a T-Shirt, I came out with a job. I hate to call it a job because it honestly doesn't feel like work. It feels like my calling. I laugh to myself about it often. God knew that He was going to have to work a miraculous work in order to keep me here in the metro area. He opened up a Public Relations position for me and now I never want to leave. As you can see, God is going to get His glory one way or another.
I helped with my first event two weeks ago. It was a lupus walk in Grand Rapids and we raised $5,000. My mother was able to go and we had a blast. That's what it is about helping and giving back. My Alliance's website is I have posted pics from the walk on the FaceBook page. Search "Lupus Alliance of America Michigan Indiana" and become a fan. That way you can keep up with all of our updates and fabulous photography.
The blog for the September Walk is
Check us out and pledges are always welcome. Click the link on the right side of the blog.
These are photos of me and my best buds, Cherish and April, at the site of the Walk. Watch out for us. We make things happen!!
Here we are doing our "LaVerne and Shirley" walk. "We're gonna make our dreams come true. And we'll do it our way, yes our way..."
Peace and Blessings...
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